Publisher Millî Reasürans T.A.Ş.
1st Edition, 1000 copies
ISBN 978-605-65517-6-5
Organization Millî Reasürans Sanat Galerisi
Text and Interview Ahu Antmen
Biography of Artist Oğuz Erten
Graphic Design Ulaş Uğur
Translation Nazım Hikmet Richard Dikbaş
Translation Edit Güzide Celestin, Zehra Lçowenthal, Ken Yarmey
Photographs Arcan, Tahsin Aydoğmuş, Ricardo Barros, Haseen Hashim, Adem Özkul, Boris Smirnov, David Troy
Colorseparation and Printing
Mas Matbaacılık A.Ş.
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