We have arrived at a new age: the age of humankind. Humankind has become one of the most important factors influencing the earth and the environment. We have arrived at a crossroads, Dante would rather say that we have lost our way and are in the depths of the forest. So where is our path going?

The exhibition, jointly prepared by Stefan Winter and Mariko Takahashi, is titled Sound Art Triptych. The exhibition consists of sound installations The Ninth Wave and Poem of a Cell. It is in an effort to make the human behavior towards nature and himself and the results of these behaviors visible through the possibilities of sound.

The installation “The Ninth Wave” deals with the destruction of nature, the position of man and its general effects. “The Ninth Wave,” a 3-channel video installation, is accompanied by an 8-channel audio installation containing noise and music.

The found sounds recorded by the duo from different places and the accompanying images gain a new meaning with the works of German composer Ludwig van Beethoven adapted by Fumio Yasuda.

Takahashi and Winter create "The Poem of a Cell" a sound installation that combines elements of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic music and poetry. Texts from the Old Testament as well as Christian and Islamic mysticism are the source of the work. Among these texts is a unifying theme that brings Judaism, Christianity and Islam together and bridges all their differences: love, ecstasy, and ultimate integration with divine love. In the Poem of a Cell, the past, present and future come into being simultaneously.



Publisher Millî Reasürans T. A. Ş

1st Edition, 200 copies

ISBN 978-605-2391-20-4

Organization Millî Reasürans Sanat Galerisi

Text Gareth Davis, Stefan Winter

Translation Ezgi Ceren Kayırıcı

Photography Gernot Aschoff, Hans Buttermilch, Cultural Department of the City of Munich, Tobias Hase, Regine Heiland, Jörg Koopmann, Neue Klangkunst, Winter & Winter

Color Grading of the Images Marcus Adam, Scanwerk

Graphic Design Yeşim Demir Pröhl

Color Separation and Printing Ofset Yapımevi


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