Arif Asci's exhibit "Yelkovan", prepared for the Millî Reasurans Art Gallery, consists of photographs produced over a period of the last five years. In these photographs, Arif Asci attempts to reveal the secrets of the inconspicuous visual ties established among things which we see every day, every moment, without paying attention. A colorful beam of light which will infinitely be erased from our visual memory after a few minutes attributes a poetic mystery to objects which have unexpectedly come together as a result of being detached from their natural settings. A fragile perspective where one form engages with another, washed with the red of Pompei and the pastel tones of early Renaissance period wall paintings, remind us of how we can come eye to eye with a rich visual experience even in the simplest late noon light. Arif Asci brings a new individual interpretation to the concepts of looking and seeing from his own perspective, with these ostensibly simple compositions.

This exhibition “Yelkovan” by Arif Aşçı is crucial to understand the artist’s practice, because it combines all these thoughts. The title “Yelkovan” is a very specific choice: Yelkovan is the minute hand of the clock, of time passing—it’s the fine tuning of time. It is the reminder of minutes passing one by one. As we know that it is not possible to hold on to the moments passing, “Yelkovan” reminds us of the importance of living them, experiencing them, of feeling their emotions. In an interview, Arif Aşçı said that his only “regret” was not having kept a notebookwhen he was taking photographs. If we can’t hold time, perhaps it’s possible to make it permanent through experience.

“The clock is the space, its passing is time, its tuning is the person... Which shows that time and space exist only with the person.”

-Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Time Regulation Institute

This is a very lonely experience. “I hold this to be the highest task for a bond between two people: that each protects the solitude of the other,” said Rainer Maria Rilke. This is exactly why Arif Aşçı’s photographs are able to touch everyone. Because they are able to leave the viewer alone; because of his modest and simple observation of the world, because he doesn’t impose any narratives on us.

Arif Aşçı looks for a lot more than a simple message to be delivered in his photographs. He wants everybody to construct their own stories in the photographs. When he was staying in Korea, he got to meet the famous Russian photographer Gueorgui Pinkhassov of Magnum. Pinkhassov said, “There are photographs that show by showing; there are photographs that deal with things through not showing, by concealing.” There is no better sentence to explain what Arif Aşçı is trying to achieve with photography.

Károly Aliotti

1.Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke 1892-1910, The Norton Editions, 1969



Publisher: Millî Reasürans T.A.Ş.

1st Edition, 1000 copies

ISBN: 978-605-65517-4-1

Organization: Millî Reasürans Sanat Galerisi

Text: Károly Aliotti

Translation Edit: Zeynep Kabukçu

Colorseparation and Printing: A4 Ofset


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