Being an author, scenarist and film director, Tayfun Pirselimoğlu is amongst the most prolific artists of Turkey. He is now putting on an exhibition at Milli Reasürans Art Gallery which will be opened on December 18.

After his education at ODTÜ, Pirselimoğlu left for Vienna where he studied painting at Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst.

 In 2005 again at Milli Reasürans Art Gallery, he had a solo exhibition titled  'Felluce', in which he was narrating an invasion of “dark forces” which took place in a familiar land.  In the company of 'weird' figures breathing the poisonous air of the raging war under our nose, the audience was brought face to face with a description of a threatening and horrifying  past.

Though the exhibition puts forward an end open filled with desolation, the artist left a window open for hope.

Now, the same soldiers are back, even more brutal and in greater number having on their side the police transformed into something else, together with strong animals which we are not familiar with. They are quietly descending from the sky with ropes and disappear under the ground.   They are much more decisive now and much more ruthless. An endless moving on invasion in the tunnels under our feet. We are not yet aware of it. As a matter of fact we don’t hear even its roar. Or, may be we only hear its roaring…

Pirselimoğlu tells us about a 'war'  which also involves us, a war which we cannot ignore: recurring, endless, a chaotic endlness.

 Horrifying is that this appears as a vision for the future: a recurring invasion expanding endlessly. A world filled with allegoric signs, and intertwined hints of what we will be going through.

 We are face to face with paintings of a scary vision of the future, involving the here and everywhere.



Published by Millî Reasürans T.A.Ş.

ISBN 978-605-4382-14-9

Organization Millî Reasürans Art Gallery
Translation Robert Bragner
Reproduction photography Mahmut Yıldırım
Graphic design a+a istanbul
Color separation and printing Mas Matbaacılık


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