The photographs in this exhibition were found by pure coincidence by a university student who had been following Ersen's photographs on internet. She wanted to know what camera Ersen used. Ersen, who has been living with 'locked-in' syndrome for 8 years now, gave this student his camera as a present, since he is no longer able to use it.

However there was a forgotten reel inside the camera, which was already 4 years overdue the expiry date, and it took double so long to finally print the images. This leads to the transformation of the authentic style of Ali Arif Ersen's photography and adds a special feeling.

Along with the photographs of this last reel, some of the photos from Ersen's archive that were not exhibited before will also be on display.

“Tres Americas” was the first exhibition of Ersen at Milli Reasürans Art Gallery. 'Sarajevo', 'Tales' exhibitions followed. 'Tres America's' was also exhibited in Lubljana at Cankarjev dom Kulturni Center in 2007.

This exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue printed with the sponsorship of Mas Matbaa, and includes a text written by Tayfun Pirselimoğlu. The printing of the photographs has been sponsored by Diagonal.



Publisher Millî Reasürans T.A.Ş.

Organization Millî Reasürans Sanat Galerisi

Text Tayfun Pirselimoğlu

Color Separation and Printing Mas Matbaası


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