The materials emerge from the space within this world, and they join in the gallery in such a way that they won’t feel astranged.

This exhibition has a title but doesn’t have an artist. Everything exhibited are pieces that form a meaningful bound with each other or they just do not... It is in fact a journey into the atmosphere of production. A door silently opened to a chaos which gives the feeling of continous change, a short look at the production base of this invisible person. A one shot photography of this person's fields of interests.

An arrangement which does not give an answer to anything, it doesn’t even look for an answer, if there is an answer, maybe it can lead to new questions, this is an arrangement of things that are not what this person produced but his own world.

Being inspired, inspiring, chasing, searching, messing things, putting them together, destruction and production... When one takes a look, this is what is seen: An autopsy, an exposure...




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