Since 1950's various trends in furniture and object design have been developed in Finland. Athough creative concepts of these trends were fundamentally quite different from each other yet a common basic path can be observed: Design, production and simplicity in functionality.

 Taking its departure from strategies and solid solutions with many various objects designed by 19 designers, the exhibition aims at opening a discussion on the possibility of a different design culture that targets simplicity based on the individual concepts.

The objects chosen for this exhibition are mostly furniture, and items for lighting elements. What makes these objects different is not the use of valuable material nor that they are pricy due to their long production phase. Their distinctive quality is the durability of the material, simplicity in their form, and practicality in their function.

The major trend observed in these designs is the reflection of typical house culture tradition and some of the designs refer to the functional furniture of modernity. However, functionality is a concept in Finnish Design which was modern even in its very beginning. The simplicity of material and production, the harmony they screen with their surrounding, brought a new dimension such as the ecological quality - though that was not targeted in the beginning. In fact, the aim of the designers is to create a design which can reflect modernity and easy lifestyle.

Designers participating in the exhibition are : Tapio Anttila, Aki Choklat, Tuomas Ervamaa, Jonas Hakaniemi, Maria Jauhiainen, Harri Koskinen, Nathalie Lahdenmäki, Jatta Lavi, Stefan Lindfors, Julia Lundsten, Mikko Paakkanen, Anu Penttinen, Markku Salo, Ilkka Suppanen, Mika Tolvanen, Rane Vaskivuori, Lotta Veromaa, Päivi Raivio & Veera Kulju.



Published by Millî Reasürans T.A.Ş.

ISBN 978-605-4382-11-8

Organization Millî Reasürans Art Gallery
Photography Jani Kaila
Texts Jani Kaila, Tyyne Pennanen
Translation Aylin Eti, Yeşim Keskin
Graphic Design A+A İstanbul
Color separation and printing Mas Matbaacılık


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