It is a rare contemporary gaze uniting past, present and future in the moment of the quantum leap, but every aspect of Inatci is the hieros gamos, the sacred marriage of opposites. The hieros gamos was the religion at the Sumerian dawn of human civilization in which writing was invented and the Sacred Marriage Rites were revived in the Cypriot Golden Age before the arrival of the Greeks. It is precisely this enigma lying serendipitously at the heart of the Inatci oeuvre which illuminates the political folly of annexation and partition (Enosis and Taksim).
Lisa Paul Streitfeld
“Like Klee seeking for music in painting on a two-dimensional surface adorned with abstract symbols I too search for music and harmony. The ritualism in paintings and installations can be reconciled with the orphic spirituality. My works are as old and anachronistic as the ancient quest for harmony with nature because I believe that thinking within the boundaries of present time creates a cognitive situation contradictory to art.
Unlike metropolitan intellectuals trapped into the topicality, I make art like a shaman who tries to return to the cosmic unity of the nature. Primitiveness and geometry, intuition and consciousness, subject and object, mystery and clarity, part and whole, suspicion and absolute… Clashing with dualities and like a homo ludens making myself a part of the game, I am trying to prove that all this sublimity is nothing but a role grabbing game”
Ümit İnatçı