Serhat Kiraz is undoubtedly one of the leading figures of Turkish contemporary art. Since the second half of the 1970’s, he has been a pionneer artist through his works belonging to conceptual art, his role in the exhibitions “New Tendencies”, “A Cross Section Avant-Garde Turkish Art”, “10 Artists, 10 Works”, his contribution to the Definition of Art Group, his individual works and his first personal exhibitions in the early 1980’s. Since his first works, Kiraz has been a founding figure in Turkish contemporary art, who remained consistent with himself. He constantly thickened his line and suceeded in pursuing his initial questions up to the end.
In the exhibition “Analemma”, Kiraz both displays his new research and presents how he reached this point. He reveals his “strange eight”, the curve of “Analemma”.
“Analemma” is like a section of the preparatory stage of an exhibition. The exhibition evokes an exhibition about an exhibition that will open later on. In this way, it urges viewers to reflect upon the present and all the work of an artist who does not want to explain what he does but discloses his traces everywhere in layers.
Süreyya Evren
Publisher Millî Reasürans T.A.Ş
1st Edition, 1000 copies
ISBN 978-605-2391-01-3
Organization Millî Reasürans Sanat Galerisi
Text Süreyyya Evren
Translation Noémi Levy-Aksu
Design Vahit Tuna
Photography Arcan, Engin Gerçek
Color Separation and Printing MAS Matbaacılık San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
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